"ARISTOTLE is famously quoted as saying
"Excellence is an Art won by training and habituation".  Val adopted and adapted this doctrine, both for me as a novice handler and for my cocker spaniel Bonnie.  Thanks Val for your professional, friendly and patient approach to enable us both reach to such a high standard of gundog training" GD
"This is a whole new world for me, and from the outset my dogs and I have been made to feel so welcome by Val and everyone else involved!  Val has given me the confidence and knowledge to start making real progress with my young dog and we both look forward to every session.  Val has a great depth of knowledge, combined with intuition and calmness that finds its way into every dog and Handler, she tutors". ~Thankyou. SP
"T. is wonderful and a pleasure to take out, intelligent and responsive. We both think the confidence you have given us with her, has been fantastic and it is down to your patience and support that she is well trained. I want to say a big thankyou and have been referring my spaniel friwnds to you". S&R
"Ur training has been amazing! …Met my sis on Dartmoor and she couldn’t believe how good Megs was."
- RB
"Thankyou Val, I love our training sessions and we always seem to have good weather! Maybe the ’sometimes’ of Sage’s training is turning into ‘a bit more often’ now!! Ha ha."
- ML.
"Jasper has been training with Val for two years and has progressed to the KC Working Gundog Certificate standard (and got it! Val). Val has a very measured approach to training and is able to identify issues and suggest solutions. Very happy with progress."
- BT.
"Luca’s patience is steadily improving and obedience developing too. Great opportunity to work with Fellow owners and their dogs - socialisation ++. Supportive, constructive feedback so grateful, thankyou."
- CD.
"Pleased with Paddy’s progress in steadiness and recall - latter still a work in progress but Val has been so encouraging and wise, even if it goes wrong! So many thanks."
- AJ.
"Amber is progressing well with steadiness and heel work, great socialisation with other similar aged dogs. Great feedback, thankyou."
- MP
"Chloe - great improvement  especially with retrieving. She is also steady when sitting. Thankyou so much."
- SP.
"Oban and Bear: improvement walking off the lead, hunting, retrieving and delivery to hand. Progress over the last few months.  Full encouragement from Val, reassuring us that as first time spaniel owners, we were working positively towards our goals."
- M&IT

News & Events

Over this year, Clients have made amazing progress with their dogs in:
- Achieving their Working Gundog certificates
- Winning Novice Working tests
- Winning Novice Handler Awards
- Participating in a Fun-day on THE WETTEST day of the summer! - in aid of Service Dogs UK
- Mastering sit, stop whistle and many steps along the way!
- Moving out of their comfort zone and attending masterclass sessions with nationally known trainers!
**Fantastic, AND, we've had fun doing it!**
These wonderful photos were taken by Kit Williams, Calderbridge Focus.
Essential Training tip:  Why is teaching patience so important for your dog?
Teaching patience needs to start early - learning to wait for food, wait their turn for a go…, sitting quietly with you in town/ at the Pub / beside you in the evening... Learning to wait quietly, will help your dog later in its working life when it has to wait for a retrieve, wait for other dogs, wait for the guns to get ready, wait till you are ready to take it out… it takes time for a dog to learn this and the time the dog can wait - is built up as it matures.  A dog that squeaks with excitement during a shooting day doesn’t make for a happy peaceful day!

Training at Whitedown

If your dog has D&V, please stay away from training for ten days, fourteen days for Kennel Cough. This is to protect other dogs and reduce the risk of cross infection.
All dogs must be fully vaccinated inc Kennel Cough.  All dogs should be treated regularly with a tick repellent before attending the training ground.

Understanding your legal responsibilities in owning a dog

Code of Practice for the Welfare of Dogs